ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Thursday, September 12, 2024

State ENVIS Center, Karnataka


Karnataka State Envis Centre


About ENVIS Centre:
ENVIS is a decentralized system with a network of distributed subject oriented Centres ensuring integration of national efforts in environmental information collection, collation, storage, retrieval and dissemination to all concerned.
Realizing the importance of Environmental Information, the Government of India, in December, 1982, established an Environmental Information System (ENVIS) as a plan programme. The focus of ENVIS since inception has been on providing environmental information to decision makers, policy planners, scientists and engineers, research workers, etc. all over the country. Presently the ENVIS network consists of Focal Point at the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change and ENVIS Centres are setup in different organizations/establishments in the country in selected areas of environment. 
Karnataka State ENVIS Centre- Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) has notified EMPRI as the nodal agency for ENVIS centre in Karnataka and EMPRI resumed the responsibility of running the centre with effect from 01-01-2009.
Short-term objectives of the ENVIS Centre
  • Providing environmental information services at state and national levels relevant to present needs and capacity building/enhancement to meet the future needs of users on issues related to the state of environment in Karnataka
  • Building up, storing, retrieving and disseminating Environment related information to users quickly.
Long-term objectives of the ENVIS Centre
  • Building up repositories and dissemination centres on environmental protection and environment management issues.
  • Adopting cutting-edge technologies of information gathering, processing, storage, retrieval and dissemination.
  • Supporting and promoting research, development and innovation in environmental information technology.
  • To respond to queries and information sought by stakeholders in the form of copies of published reports, documents, abstracts and research papers.
  • To bring out newsletters and other publications in assigned subject.
  • To help the ENVIS Focal Point in gradually developing the inventory of all information materials available at the Centres and in analysis of information in subject area of the Centre.